Scuba Diving Thailand Sites That You Can Easily Explore
By Marco Steffan
There are a lot of things that you can do when you decide to go to Thailand and scuba diving Thailand is one of the most popular things that you can try out. There are a lot of locations that you can go to, diving sites that will show you a lot of the beauty that you are going to get.
Phuket, Thailand has all the wonderful places out there that you can dive in and help you out to see the wonder that the ocean holds for you. There are a lot of things that you will be able to see underwater so it would be great if you can make sure that you are going to be able to enjoy them a lot. Here are some of the dive sites that you can look into and choose from should you decide to try them out.
Racha Yai Island
One of the preferred sites of scuba divers is definitely the RachaYai Island along with RachaNoi and this is one of the best sites that you can go to when you want to get a good diving experience. The water is very much clear and you will be able to see a lot of things underwater so that you can really enjoy and make sure that you can have fun along with things. You will be able to have fun and this is something that you do not really get to enjoy anywhere else so you might want to make the most out of your experience. You will be having scuba diving instructors with you so you have nothing to get worried about and you can make sure that you are going to have the safest and enjoyable experience of a lifetime.
Phi Phi Islands
Another island that you can go to would be Phi Phi and this one has a lot of different dive sites that you can explore. They have a lot of exciting spots that you can enjoy and they have all the marine life that you are going to need to see from the small fishes to the large sharks so you might want to take a look into this place. It is going to be able to relax you and you are surely going to have an experience that you would never forget. You can also easily get instructors if you have no idea how it works and you are going to enjoy it and have fun with it as well. This is something that would be enjoyable for you so you might want to try it out and see thing for yourself.
Anemone Reef
This one dive site is submerged in the middle of the ocean and the depth would be about 100 feet. Surely, this is something that would be quite enjoyable since you get a good quantity, quality and variety of the different marine species that live there. You get to see the beautiful coral and a lot of sea fans that you can easily get a photo of. This is surely something that you should be able to enjoy and take good photos of. It would be nice and you get to see a lot of anemone and corals down below. There would be a lot of different colors that you can surely take nice photos of so that you can just try it out and see for yourself how things are going to go about. This would leave you with a lot of memories that you can look back at in the process too.
Shark Point
If you are interested in going for the shark point, then you might as well check it out. The diversity of fishes and corals are really one of the best in this place. You get to be able to see striking purple and soft pink corals that you can really see through. The maximum depth would be about 30m. If you are interested in being amazed at the beauty of the ocean then this is something that you can easily look into and see for yourself. Surely, things are going to be much better for you so that you would not have to worry about anything and you can just enjoy all that there is out there. This would also help you in case you want to take a lot of good photos so that you will have souvenirs.
Cruiser Wreck
This one is a passenger ferry wreck that used to service before and then sank. If you want to visit shipwrecks, then this is something that you are going to be able to enjoy and make the most out of. It would really be a new experience for you that you are going to have fun with and try out on checking on. It would be nice to see thing through and it has a lot of fishes there as well. The depth that it is in would be about 115 feet so you can really enjoy this one out a lot. It will surely give you a good idea about how things are to go and it would be a great thing to try out. It would be nice if you can try this diving site before you go so that you will be able to see all the beautiful wonders that Thailand has to offer to you in the process.
First published on 18 Jun 2020.
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